Fables is cancelled. It was really overscoped for my experience level, and it's not fun to work on anymore. I'll probably come back to some of the concepts I had in mind for it, but only when I'm sure I can tackle them. I'll still be making games, but not ones this big quite yet.
- Add save system (Complete!)
- Add 4 towers (4/4) (Complete!)
- Add the ability to go inside the towers (Complete!)
- Add main menu
- Add pause menu (Complete!)
- Add a duck
The towers I've done only have exteriors now, to clarify. I want to add the save system before I make the insides. The duck is an endgame goal, it might not make it in if I don't get enough donations
The new demo with all the towers is up!
Also, see if you can find the easter egg. First one to find it and send a picture on the Fables itch.io page gets to be the first one to find it and send a picture on the Fables itch.io page. You'll know when you see it.
The save system is now more or less working, so now I need to add doors to the towers that put you inside before I upload the update
The music for all the towers is complete! I realise composing it completely distracted me from actually making the tower interiors, but now I actually will work on it lol
Just had a brainwave, so to speak, so I'm adding something to the plan that will hopefully give Fables more of an identity
Just wrote a bunch of story for the city tower, and i'm feeling pretty good about it (:
now to write the rest of them